Er is 1 euro afgeschreven voor gebruik van de Internet dagbundel. Je hebt 100 MB om tot 23.59 uur te gebruiken. Betalen per MB? Stuur INTERNETDAG UIT naar 4000 en je betaalt 10 cent p/MB. Kijk voor een voordelige YOU maandbundel op
There is 1 euro written off for use of the Internet dagbundel. You have 100 MB to up to 23:59 hrs. Pay per MB? Send INTERNETDAG to 4000 and you pay 10 cents p/MB. Look for a low price YOU month bundle on
There is 1 euro depreciated to use the Internet dagbundel. You have 100 MB to use up to 23.59. Pay per MB? Send Internet Day OFF to 4000 and you pay 10 cents / MB. Look for an affordable YOU month bundle on
there is 1 euro depreciated by use of the internet dagbundel. you have 100 mb to 23.59 to use. pay per mb. send internetdag to 4000 and pay you 10 cents p / mb. look for a bargain you maandbundel on / you