Art. 1. the landlord gives in rent a room nr 0203 located: Mechelsestraat 115, 3000 Leuven. The lessee declares that this House should him to primary residence. . The good is rented for private use and is intended for occupancy by Max 1 occupant (s). Tenant or landlord may not change their purpose without the express consent of the other party.Art. 2. In the rented product features: Central heating; Electricity; Shower in the room; hot and cold running water; cooking facilities; Frigo; Place for bike in a radius of 50 metres; KotNet. In case of internet failure, the tenant should contact the internet service provider (ISP).Art. 3. TERM – The rental period is 5.25 months, commences on 01/09/2015 and ends on 10/02/2016. Both parties may terminate the agreement subject to a notice by registered mail to mean, four months before the end of the rental period if the cancellation is made by the tenant and two months before the end of the rental period if he is made by the landlord. The notice shall take effect on the first day of the calendar month following the service. If no timely termination occurs, the agreement each time for 12 months and renewed subject to the same conditions index adjustment (art. 3). A lease has no automatic renewal in the case of rent money vagabond! The landlord has in this case, the right space for rent.Art. 4. rental PRICE and PAYMENT-the basic rent amounts to € 284 per month and is indexed annually, on the anniversary of the entry into force of the agreement, applying following formula: (base rent x new index base index)/basic index = new rental.The basic rent payable by the tenant should never contain costs and burdens. The basic index is the index of the month before the month in which the agreement has been closed. The new index is the index of the month preceding the month of the anniversary of the entry into force of the agreement. The rental price is paid for the 5th of the month rent which he relates. This happens with the structured message + + + 115/0203/00086 +++ on IBAN BE34 2300 0879 5290 with BIC number GEBABEBB, bank BNP Paribas Fortis. In case of late payment (between the 5th and the end of the month) will be an extra charge of € 12.50 will be charged to cover the administrative costs. If the month expiry will let the rent by a bailiff. Rate is for the tenant.Art. 5. Expense, the tenant pays to the landlord to cover the monthly cost of water, gas and electricity a lump sum of € 55. At the end of the rental period are the counters included of the entire property. If one consumes the double compared to the average of the other tenants is additional half of the flat rate is charged. The electricity meters are used for reference and listed at the place name that is being made by the tenant at the entrance of the room.