Dat was voor Robben geen makkelijke beslissing om te nemen. "Op dat moment was Oranje het allerbelangrijkste voor me. Ik was tot alles in staat, ik wilde zelfs met verdoving spelen, maar het ging gewoon niet.
That was no easy decision for Robben to take. "The most important thing for me at that time was Orange. I was capable of anything, I wanted to play, even with anaesthetic but it just went.
That was before Robben not an easy decision to take. "At that time, Orange was the most important thing for me. I was able to at all, I even wanted to play with anesthesia, but it just did not go.
for robben was not an easy decision to make. " at that time, the most important thing for me was orange. i was capable of anything, i wanted to play with anesthesia, but it just didn"t work.