Arjen Robben keert pas na de winterstop terug bij Bayern München. De vleugelspeler moet door een spierblessure ook de laatste competitiewedstrijd van het jaar tegen Hannover 96 laten schieten. ,,Het wordt helaas niets dit weekeinde'', zei de 31-jarige international tegen BR Sport. ,,Ik moet geduld hebben, tot januari wachten. Dan gaan we weer verder.''
Robben, die eind november geblesseerd raakte, spreekt in het medium van een 'persoonlijk slecht seizoen tot nu toe'. ,,Ik heb bijna alleen maar blessures en problemen gehad. Misschien heb ik mijn portie voor dit seizoen nu wel gehad.''
Bayern mist in Hannover ook onder anderen Franck Ribéry. De blessure van de Fransman is mogelijk zo erg, dat hij twee maanden aan de kant zou kunnen staan.
Arjen Robben returns only after the winter break back at Bayern Munich. The winger must by a muscle injury also the last League match of the year against Hannover 96. ,, It is unfortunately nothing this weekend, '' said the 31-year-old international against BR Sport. ,, I have to be patient, wait until January. Then we go again. ''Robben, who got injured at the end of november, speaks in the medium of a ' personal bad season so far '. ,, I have almost only injuries and had problems. I may have my share for this season now. ''Bayern is missing in Hannover also among others Franck Ribéry. The injury of the Frenchman is possible so much so, that he could stand on the side two months.

Arjen Robben only returns after the winter break back at Bayern Munich. The winger should by a muscle injury also the last game of the year against Hannover 96 pass up. ,, It is unfortunately not this weekend, '' said the 31-year-old international against BR Sport. ,, I have to be patient, to wait to January. Then we go again. '' Robben, who got injured in late November, speaks in the medium of a personal bad season so far. " ,, I have almost nothing but injuries and had problems. Maybe I have now had my share for this season. '' Bayern fog in Hannover also among others, Franck Ribéry. The injury of the Frenchman may be so bad that he spent two months at the end might be.