Tenminste, die belboei was er altijd geweest. Maar nu was hij er niet. De belboei was weggedreven. Straks zou het grote passagiersschip binnenvaren. En er was mist, en er was geen bel meer om de kapitein te waarschuwen.
At least, that Bell had always been there. But now he was not there. The Bell which was formerly located was drifted away.Soon it would be large passenger ship entering.And there was missing, and there was no call to warn the captain.
At least that belboei had always been there. But he was not there. The belboei was driven away. Later would be entering the large passenger ship. And there was fog, and there was no more bell to warn the captain.
at least, that belboei was always there. but now he was not there. the belboei had drifted.the large ship entering later.and there was a mist, and there was no call for the captain to warn.