On 11 October 2013, National Coming Out Day, were throughout Netherlands activities organised as part of acceptance of lesbians, gays, bisexual and transgender people (At). So also in film theatre 't Hoogt where the short film marked with Lazlo and Dylan Tonk premiered. Pronounced is a 15-minute film in which 2 high school students struggling with friendship and homosexuality. The film is central to the series of lessons by our network partner Pink in the picture.PronouncedPronounced is about the friendship between David and Niels. This comes under pressure as David discovers that on guys. In their friends group is homosexuality is not tolerated. "I would never be friends with a gay", he says to his girlfriend. Homosexuality is for many young people still far from self-evident and can be a inner and outer fight pose.From project to filmThe project wanted to initially only supported image material to lectures of the COC. To do this, ran the makers along with the extension workers of the COC to determine how movie could be used. They wanted the new film as well as possible the information sessions. Gradually the film grew into a tool for school subjects as CULTURAL ARTS, social science and Netherlands. It is central to the series of lessons by our network partner Pink in the picture, a project that was born out of the special incentive arrangements 2012. Please read the interview with initiator Ad van Dam on the changing visibility of gays and lesbians in the media.In 2009, pronounced (then under the name Film plan Just are gay) a development price of Foundation P. Also the COC, the municipality of Utrecht and the Dutch Film Fund were involved in the creation of this film.Imaging in the mediaAt the premiere Ad van Dam gave the public a short lesson about Lgbt history in films and on tv. Of faces in the shade along sad, lonely gays and of stereotypes to gays and lesbians in all capacities. He noted that in particular gay guys are portrayed, here is therefore still sure. He also took out the recent developments in Russia and Africa; the subject is the world's much-discussed and deserves much attention.Also Victor Everhardt, Alderman for health, welfare and diversity in Utrecht, came to the word. Everhardt noted in his speech that the 2 terms LGBT film and still not much consistency. He called on to education about homosexuality in schools, as the school should be a safe environment. At school you should be able to be who you are. From that same thought chose Pink in the picture sure to, during the creation process, behind the scenes to film and the images available to schools.Homosexuality in schoolFranka Stas, teacher audiovisual on the Alberdingk Thijm College, then used those images to create a movie to let pupils themselves on homosexuality. The video recordings give a unique look behind the scenes in the film world, a valuable watch those students usually don't get it. The short settings give explanation about preparing, filming and assembling the movie. It gave the pupils handles to the scenes of pronounced again. Franka Stas ' fear that no one would like to play the gay people, turned out to be unfounded. There were always (heterosexual) guys to take on the role.Similarly Pim, who told how he and his best friend a bunch of played. In a safe scene, without a kiss or other intimacy, demonstrating a very open attitude towards homosexuality. PIM tells that they were working with film during the lessons not only but also with the subject of the film.By pronounced can schools go beyond a classroom information and the topic in more detail. With one lesson, in which the film is screened, but also with a series of lessons, in which can be given to the process of a movie.Curious? View.