This Dublin landmark was just named the best tourist attraction in Europe
WE KNEW IT was a half decent spot to visit when you’re in Dublin, but now the Guinness Storehouse has won some international recognition.
The Storehouse was named as Europe’s leading tourist attraction by the World Travel Awards last night. And a quick look at the other nominees shows the competition it was up against:
Acropolis, Athens
Buckingham Palace, England
La Sagrada Familia, Spain
Ribeira do Porto, Portugal
the Roman Colosseum, Italy
the Eiffel Tower, France
Not bad at all.
By winning this award, the Storehouse is automatically in the running to be named as the world’s leading tourist attraction by the same organisation.
Can it go one better? It’s going to be scary to see the shortlist for the global award, if the European one features such esteemed destinations.
Even though Guinness has branched out to non-alcoholic drink in Asia recently, it’s still nice to see the old Storehouse turning heads.
這種都柏林裡程碑是公正的名為最好的旅游景點在 歐洲
我們 知道這是一個半體面現場訪問當你在都柏林,但現在的吉尼斯倉庫已贏得一些國際承認。
的倉庫被命名為歐洲最大的旅游景點的昨晚世界旅游獎項。 和一個快速查找在其他被提名人的競爭,表明 反對:
la Sagrada Familia、西班牙、葡萄牙
可以轉一個更好的呢?它將是可怕的最後候選人名單,見對全球獎,如果這種受人尊敬的歐洲一個特點東道主。 即使是“分支