Dat wil zeggen: het station of het adres vanwaar u vertrekt. Hetzelfde hieronder: het station of het adres waar u naartoe reist. Dan drukt u op ‘Geef reisadvies’. Er is extra informatie. Bijvoorbeeld over de prijs en hoelang de reis duurt.
That is to say:the drive or the address from which you leave.The same below:the drive or the address where you are travelling to.Then press ' give travel advice '.There is additional information. For example about the priceand how long the journey will take.
That is, the station or the address where you go. The same follows: a . The station or the address where you are traveling , then press' Enter advice. There is additional information. For example, the price and how long the journey takes.
that is to say:the station or the address where you leave.the same below.the station or the address where you go traveling.then press "advisory".there is additional information. for example, about the priceand how long it takes.