The ailing department store chain V&D will meet the week of truth: with radical measures the company tries to provide for the future, but it is experiencing the high resistance. Property Business IEF Capital, owner of the buildings in Amsterdam, Utrecht, The Hague and Maastricht, has the group taken to court.
The group wants its landlords agree to a outliers having period of four months, but it is encountering so much opposition.
IEF Capital would in a short action evacuation of the shops. Also other landlords threaten with legal steps.
Unions V&D steps to the right as per 1 february the salaries of the 5,000 employees with 5.8 percent, reducesAs two weeks ago, announced.
V&D, that 63 department stores, since 2010 property of investment company Sun Capital. EUR 40 million which is prepared to invest in the company as the other parties concerned the requested contribution.