You consent to the automatic collection of both subscription fees and operating costs of the selected subscriptions through NS Groep NV on NS Travellers BV and authorize your bank to continuously write as instructed by NS Groep NV for deducting an amount from your account NS Travellers BV If you subscribe for the duration of one month's subscription fee debited for that subscription just for that month. For depreciation, the account number of your iDEAL payment used. The details of the payee are: Creditor ID: NL03 ZZZ 30,124,358 0000 Name: NS NS Travel Group iz. Address: Avenue of Puntenburg 100 3511 ER Utrecht Netherlands. Your IBAN, name, address, zip code, country, signature and date and place of signature mentions elsewhere on this form. You fill in: BIC from your bank (not required for a Dutch IBAN). If you disagree with a charge you can have it back books. Please within 8 weeks after amortization contact your bank. Ask your bank for the conditions