Arek Milik had afgelopen zomer ook de optie om naar de Premier League te verkassen. Volgens een scout van Leicester City waren de Engelsen zeer geïnteresseerd in de diensten van de Pool, die uiteindelijk voor Ajax koos. 'We hebben een aanbieding gedaan, maar hij koos voor Ajax', vertelt David Mills aan onder meer Sportowe Fakty. 'We blijven zijn ontwikkeling volgen, hij is een geweldige speler.' Milik wordt momenteel door Ajax gehuurd van Bayer Leverkusen, maar er is een optie waarmee de Amsterdammers hem voor zo'n 2,5 miljoen euro kunnen overnemen.
Milik lijkt bij Ajax op zijn plaats, zelf herhaalde hij al meerdere malen dat hij graag in Amsterdam blijft. In twintig wedstrijden trof hij al 17 keer doel, al behoren hier ook acht treffers in het KNVB beker-toernooi bij. In de Eredivisie was hij in elf optredens goed voor acht goals.
Arek Milik had last summer also have the option to move to the Premier League. According to a scout for Leicester City the English were very interested in the services of the Pool, which eventually chose for Ajax. ' We have an offer, but he chose Ajax ', says David Mills to Sportowe Fakty. ' We continue to follow its development, he's a great player. ' Milik is currently by Ajax on loan from Bayer Leverkusen, but there is an option that lets the Locals can take over him for such a 2.5 million euro. Milik seems at Ajax in place, itself he repeated several times that he would like to remain in Amsterdam. He struck 17 times in 20 matches purpose, all belong here also eight hits in the KNVB Cup-tournament at. In the Eredivisie he was good for eight goals in eleven appearances.

Arek Milik had last summer the option to move to the Premier League. According to a scout of Leicester City were the English very interested in the services of the Pool, which ultimately chose for Ajax. 'We have an offer, but he chose for Ajax', says David Mills under more Sportowe Fakty. 'We will continue its development, he is a great player.' Milik is currently rented by Ajax of Bayer Leverkusen, but there is an option that allows the Amsterdammers him for such a EUR 2.5 million to accept.
Milik seems to Ajax in its place, he repeated itself many times that he would like to remain in Amsterdam. He found already In twenty matches 17 times purpose, already belong here also eight hits in the KNVB cup tournament.In the Premier League he was good for eight goals in eleven performances.