NB: mensen die al gereageerd hadden op deze kamer via een eerdere advertentie hebben of een uitnodiging gehad of zijn niet uitgenodigd. Hospiteeravond is maandag 4 aug om 20.30 (vandaag) Ivm het studeren in het buitenland van een huisgenoot komt er een kamer voor de periode 1-9-2014 tot 1-3...
Note: people who had already acted on this room via a previous ad or an invitation had or are not invited. Hospiteer night is Monday 4 aug at 20: 30 (today) About studying abroad by a roommate, a room for the period 1-9-2014 from 1-3 ...
Note: people who had already responded to this room by a previous advertisement or have had an invitation or are not invited. Hospiteeravond is Monday Aug 4 at 20:30 (today) Due studying abroad a roommate will be a room for the period 1-9-2014 to 1-3 ...
NB: people who had already responded to this room via a previous advertisement have had or a invitation or are not invited. Hospiteeravond is monday aug 4 to 20.30 (today) in connection with the study in a foreign country of a household member is there a room for the period from 1-9-2014 to 1-3 ...