Ajacied Davy Klaassen gelooft dat vooral geluk een grote rol speelt voor Nederlandse clubs, wanneer zij ex-spelers die ervaring hebben in het topvoetbal willen terughalen.
Feyenoord heeft voor volgend seizoen de ervaren Dirk Kuyt weten te strikken, waarmee het oude tijden hoopt te doen laten herleven. De naam Maxwell zingt nu rond in de wandelgangen bij Ajax, maar het Klaassen gelooft niet dat de Braziliaan op dit moment trek heeft in een terugkeer naar Amsterdam.
"Hij speelt nog steeds bij PSG en is nog zo goed, waarom zou hij nu naar Ajax willen? Het liefst speelt zo'n jongen nog een paar jaar op absoluut topniveau, begrijp je”, vertelde Klaassen tegenover ELF Voetbal.
Het zal voor de Amsterdammers volgens de middenvelder, nog een zware klus zijn om dergelijke voetballers te strikken. Klaassen: "Met dit soort spelers moet je geluk hebben.”
De middenvelder haalt een herinnering op aan halverwege de jaren ’90, toen Ajax een aantal oudgedienden zag terugkeren, waarmee het vervolgens de Champions League won. "Maar hoe vaak komt een speler van het kaliber Rijkaard voorbij? De speler moet er aan toe zijn, het moment moet goed zijn, zijn salariseisen niet te gek en zijn positie moet beschikbaar zijn”, aldus Klaassen.
Francesco Davy Klaassen believes that luck plays a large role for Dutch clubs, when they are ex-players who have experience in the top football want to retrieve it.Feyenoord has Dirk Kuyt for next season to the experienced know bows, with which it hopes to revive old times do. The name Maxwell sings now around in the corridors at Ajax, but Kabila does not believe that the Brazilian currently trek has in a return to Amsterdam."He still plays at PSG and is still as good, why would he want to Ajax now? Preferably plays such an absolutely top level for a few more years on boy, you understand ", told Klaassen opposite ELEVEN football.Luck factorIt will be for the Amsterdam-team according to the midfielder, still a tough job to such footballers bows. Kadir: "with this kind of players you have to be lucky."The midfielder gets a reminder on to the mid-90s, when Ajax saw some veterans return, with which it then won the Champions League. "But how often does a player of the caliber Rijkaard over? The player should stand, the time should be good, his salary demands not too crazy and its position should be available, "said Kadir.

Ajax Davy Klaassen believes that especially luck plays a big role for Dutch clubs, when ex-players who want to get into the top football experience. Feyenoord next season managed to snare the experienced Dirk Kuyt, which hopes to allow the old times revive. The name Maxwell sings around in the corridors at Ajax, but Klaassen does not believe that the Brazilian is currently haul in a return to Amsterdam. "He still plays at PSG is so good, why would he to Ajax would prefer to play a boy a few years on absolute top level, you understand, "Klaassen said opposite ELF Voetbal?. Happiness Factor It will Amsterdammers according to the midfielder, is a tough job to tie such footballers Klaassen.: "With these players you have to be lucky." The midfielder gets a reminder of the mid-90s, when Ajax looked return a number of veterans, which then won the Champions League. "But how often does a player of the caliber Rijkaard over? The player must stand, the time should be good, his salary demands are not too crazy and his position should be available," says Klaassen.

Ajacied Davy Klaassen believes that particularly lucky plays a major role for Dutch clubs, when they ex-players who have experience in the top flight footy to retrieve.
Feyenoord has for next season the experienced Dirk Kuyt managed to snare, that the old times revive hopes to do. The name Maxwell sings now around in the corridors at Ajax,But the Klaassen does not believe that the Brazilian has pull at the moment in a return to Amsterdam.
"He plays still in PSG and is still as good, why should he now to Ajax want? Play such a boy a couple of years on absolutely top level, you understand", told Klaassen opposite ELEVEN Football.
The will for the Amsterdammers according to the midfielder,Still a very difficult job to such footballers to snare. Klaassen: "With this kind of players you'll have to luck. "
The midfielder retrieves a reminder to the mid 90s, when a number of senior figures saw Ajax return, which the then won the Champions League. "But how often does a player of the caliber Track Down past? The player must there are,The time must be properly, are not related to love and its position must be available", says Klaassen.