Eén van de oudste Hunkemöllers van de stad, een begrip in de Bilderdijkbuurt, verdwijnt. Het is de keerzijde van de nieuwe strategie van de keten. Kanten jarretels, strings, en push-upbeha's spreken de vaste, oudere clientèle niet aan.
One of the oldest of Hunkemöller's of the city, a concept in the Bilderdijk neighborhood, disappears. It is the flip side of the new strategy of the chain. Lace garters, thongs, and push hard, older clientele not to speak upbeha's.
One of the oldest Hunkemöller of the city, known in the Bilderdijkstraat Neighborhood, disappears. It is the downside of the new chain strategy. Lacy suspenders, thongs, and push-up bras speak fixed, not older clientele.
One of the oldest Hunkemöllers of the city, a concept in the Bilderdijkbuurt, disappears. It is the other side of the coin of the new strategy of the chain. Sides, suspenders, strings, and push-upbeha discussing the hard, older clientele.