here's the text in dutch already: the best of ian, i know you don't want to begin wa all last year. and it may surprise you, but i'm not like ancient history. i can't help; i think it still regularly back despite we now study in different schools and cities.and your conversation with ziqian makes me suspect that it isn't completely from your memory is thrown. yeah, she's so like me told everything that has been said and it is not as sympathetic to you of her. but the fact that a stranger to you from the other side of the world just told me all this does suggest that ge (unconsciously?) wish some of the reflections on one way or another to me. or you want to warn her about what a person i might or might not be. in that case, you don't have to be scared, few people know me as if she knows me, despite the many barriers. well, let me get to the point of this message.what i say here is to clarify what i think, and not for all arguments to open or whatever. a while ago, i had a conversation with a common friend last year, i do not know whether it was or tahnee gregory. at a certain moment, said that even though i didn't contact with you and i noe, more cherish tov you no i think back on that, i must say that this is not true. that does not mean that i just hate you or not, the fact that i have a relationship that you hate (of course i can hardly say that i'm happy).can i walk around with the idea that you have not properly treated and you try to cover it up by all the attention to my irrational moments as if it is your own choices. from the conversation of ziqian i could infer that you're really a caricature of me first.jasper the stalker who ruined your gwp and oh so innocent noe was bullying in the lunchroom. meanwhile, the "protector" of wast thou noe (sorry but there just allow me to laugh) in the worst case, all this has nothing to do. your biggest concession of fault was that "i have made mistakes.
- ian.but i think you are a coward at that level. i have my most mistakes always acknowledged and apologized (even if you don't believe me, just scroll back in the fb chat), but i usually have also warned if something were to happen and also made it clear that this is caused by the irrational for me very frustrating soon as i saw your goodwill or noe her side, i was always ready to expand. don't believe me? i apologize for me now (again) eruptions and obsessive behavior at certain times (it really is to refine, admit it.if you call me crazy art thyself to believe something so that you can feel better about your own actions) and i also give my behavior partly led to the situation that we are in. and i mean that.if i didn't, i wouldn't bother at all as a message to someone who did not send me to know (if i could keep it in a scheldtirade).
ge was apparently the trouble me to demonize, although it has not directly to do with last year:apparently, i'm a narcissist (somewhat ironic since noe narcissism in my eyes was that for a large part of the kutte for much of last year and now art thou has created good together with her), i don't think people really like and don't understand how a girl for me can keep. once again, not very sympathetic.and again, i think this should be at least partly so you can ease your conscience. you clearly need so many distractions. derivation of the heart of the matter: you're a girl over a really good friend (if i may be so arrogant to call me that)the history is impossible to reconcile the relationship (and everyone can find me). but contrary to what most people think it won't end there. thou hast told me several times that it won't be just friends, you will be. am i really such a fool that i believe in you? i trusted you in that.but by the end of the year was clear to me that my irrational actions (for the umpteenth time really fall to expand) found enough to make me fall. even weeks after that so-called "stalking" was (and we discussed it and i apologize), it was clear that your attitude tov me killer killer. laugh at my jokes could not.working out more meaningful conversations and was apparently not worth after 4 years just to ask something in your yearbook (also written as early as the memory for the rest of the class). i was also abandoned, what thou so much earlier seemed to have done. even more,i suspect that even waited until ambras between us optradt so you feel less guilty. ziqian told me that much longer (even before we parted) was interested in noe, so this can be good in my eyes? allow me to say that you are very opportunistic and cowardly. allow me, i don't think you just "everyone was wrong.unfortunate "can say." i hear you think: "i wanted to say yes wa da" or "it's not that this would change anything now." i don't care, i don't expect anything (though an apology somewhere in his place) and i'm not mad for the rest of my life to you or whatever. at least i hope you read this and think it over. for the record:i'm okay with you and wish you nothing, but i think you also realize that right now in a relationship with her. it's really a feeling that there really wronged me while you still got rid of.