Dear Mr Chen,
Have Alarm
YOU has one or more savings accounts with variable interest to us. The interest rate on the savings account(s) shall be per October 2, 2014 reduced, partly as a result of the current low interest rates. Despite the height of the have continue to accumulate a certain way to grow your money, for example, for a buffer for unforeseen expenditure.
On balances t/m € 1,000,000 1.05% (was 1,15 %)
The interest rates are on an annual basis.
For spaarklanten always has the ING a tip or an offer which we would like to share with you.
Save Invest is a safe way to grow your money. You will receive interest, to ensure you have a specified return and you can charge your money record. Where you save offers security,You can invest in the long term, a higher ROI.
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