Checkt u 5 minuten voor of tijdens daluren in maar in de spitsuren uit? Dan reist u gewoon met 40% korting Geldig bij andere treinvervoerders Geldig op binnenlandse trajecten van InterCity Berlijn en ICE International
Good to knowCheck 5 minutes before or during off-peak hours in but in the rush hours from? Then just with 40% discountValid with other train carriersValid on domestic routes of InterCity Berlin and ICE International
Good to know you Checked five minutes before or during off-peak hours, but in the rush hour off? Then just travel with 40% discount Valid with other train operators Valid on domestic routes InterCity Berlin and ICE International
good to knowchecking 5 minutes before or during off peak hours in the peak hours only. you'll travel with just 40% discountin other treinvervoerders validvalid on domestic routes of intercity and ice international berlin