Damco is me aan het vragen om de booking te maken voor bovenstaande PO#’s. Echter hebben wij geen orders met deze PO#’s en zijn orders met dezelfde stijl naam al een tijd geleden uitgeshipped. Zou je ajb even kunnen dubbel checken? Alvast bedankt.
DAMCO is asking for me to make the booking for the above PO # 's.However, we have no orders with this PO # 's and his orders with the same style name uitgeshipped some time ago. Could you please double check ajb?Thanks in advance.
Damco is me asking to make the booking for above PO # 's. However, we have no orders with this PO # 's and his orders with the same style name a while ago uitgeshipped. Would you ajb just can double check? Thank you in advance.
Damco is me to the questions to the booking to the above PO#'s . , however, we have no orders with this PO# and his orders with the same style name uitgeshipped some time ago. Would you ajb can double check? thank you.