Residentie Thomas Morus is gelegen in de prachtige omgeving van het IMG_5334.JPGArenbergpark. Door haar ligging : naast het sportkot, achter de Carrefour en in de schaduw van Arenberg Campus, is de residentie geliefd bij de wetenschapsstudenten en sportkotters, maar ook geneeskunde en KHL studenten genieten van de ideale ligging tot hun campus. Centrum Leuven ligt op amper 5 minuten wandelafstand en een belangrijke bushalte is voorzien aan de Tervuursevest. Jaarlijks wordt er geïnvesteerd om de studenten een zo aangenaam mogelijk studieverblijf te garanderen. Het beheer is niet contolerend aanwezig, maar houdt wel dagelijks enkele uren kantoor. Alle bewoners respecteren het huisreglement, onder toezicht van gangverantwoordelijken en het beheer. Iedereen is welkom, maar onze aandacht gaat naar studenten tot 25 jaar. Alle kamers zijn gemeubeld. Contracten worden afgesloten voor een periode van 12 maanden.Deze bedragen zijn exclusief kosten.
Residence Thomas Morus is located in the beautiful area of the IMG_5334. JPGArenbergpark. Because of its location: next to the librarian, behind Carrefour and in the shade of the Arenberg Campus, the residence is loved by the sport science students and cutters, but also medicine and KHL students enjoy the ideal location to their campus. Leuven Centre is less than a 5-minute walk away and a major bus stop is discounted to the Tervuursevest. Every year invested to the students a study stay as pleasant as possible. The Manager is not present contolerend, but does hold a few hours daily Office. All residents respect the House rules, under the supervision of gang management and management. Everyone is welcome, but our attention is paid to students up to 25 years. All rooms are furnished. Contracts are concluded for a period of 12 months. These amounts are exclusive of costs.

Thomas Morus residence is located in the beautiful surroundings of the IMG_5334.JPGArenbergpark. Due to its location: next to the Sportkot, behind Carrefour and in the shadow of Arenberg Campus, the residence is loved by the sports science students and cutters, but also medicine and KHL students enjoy the ideal location to their campus. Leuven is less than a 5 minute walk and a major bus stop is provided at the Tervuursevest. Annually will be invested to ensure the students a study stay as pleasant as possible. Management is not learning account present, but does mean a few daily office hours. All the locals respect the house rules, under the supervision of corridor managers and management. Everyone is welcome, but our focus is on students up to 25 years. All rooms are furnished. Contracts are concluded for a period of 12 maanden.Deze amounts exclude expenses.

Residence Thomas Morus is located in the beautiful surroundings of the IMG_5334.JPGArenbergpark. By its location : next to the sportkot, behind the Carrefour and in the shade of Arenberg Campus, the residence loved by the science graduates and sportkotters, but also medicine and KHL students enjoy the ideal location to their campus.Center Leuven is situated just 5 minutes walk and a major bus stop is provided to the Tervuursevest. The students will be investment annually to officials should as pleasant as possible. The management is not contolerend present, but keeps a few hours daily office. All residents respect the no,Under the supervision of gangverantwoordelijken and management. Everyone is welcome, but our attention goes to students up to 25 years. All rooms are furnished. Contracts shall be concluded for a period of 12 months.These amounts do not include the cost.