De 31-jarige Robben heeft zijn laatste grote eindronde misschien wel gespeeld. ,,Dat zou kunnen'', beseft hij. ,,Maar als ik dat zou denken, dan was ik gestopt als international. En dat heb ik niet gedaan. Ik wil er ook graag bij zijn nu, ondanks dat deze duels misschien wel niet helemaal passen. Voor mij is het belangrijk dat ik weer voor een langere periode helemaal fit word. Maar rond deze oefenduels zal er ook gesproken worden. Over hoe het weer een beetje beter moet.''
Oranje moet er weer staan als na dit seizoen tegenstanders als Frankrijk en Zweden in het kwalificatietoernooi voor het WK in Rusland wachten. Vanaf de sofa in zijn woonkamer zag Robben hoe Oranje concurrent Turkije niet meer wist te achterhalen in de laatste EK-kwalificatieduels met Kazachstan en Tsjechië. ,,Ik bleef hoop houden, als een trouwe supporter'', weet de buitenspeler nog. ,,Maar dan kom je tegen Tsjechië met 0-3 achter. Hoe ik me voelde thuis? Machteloos maar ook soms gelaten. Ja, dan slaap je wel even slecht.''
De jolige berichtjes op zijn telefoon en pesterijtjes van Duitse ploeggenoten bij Bayern München kon hij wel hebben. ,,Daar moet je tegen kunnen. We hebben het daar zelf naar gemaakt. Maar zij snappen ook niet waarom we op het EK ontbreken. Ze waren iedere keer verrast door onze uitslagen. Na een succesvol WK is het gewoon niet goed gegaan in de EK-kwalificatie.''
The 31-year-old Robben has his last major final tournament might be played. , That could '', he realizes. , But when I would think, then I was stopped as international. And that I have not done. I would also like to be now, despite that these duels might be doesn't quite fit. For me it is important that I get back for a longer period of time quite fit word. But around these exhibition games will also be spoken. On how the weather is a bit better. ''Orange should be there again as France and Sweden after this season as opponents in the qualifying tournament for the World Cup in Russia wait. From the sofa in his living room Robben saw how Orange Turkey no longer knew to figure out competitor in the last European Championship qualifiers with Kazakhstan and the Czech Republic. Keep, hope,, I kept as a loyal supporter, '' know the outside player yet. , But then you come to Czech Republic 0-3 behind. How I felt at home? Powerless but also sometimes. Yes, then sleep you so much as bad. ''The Jolly messages on his phone and even sometimes bully each other by German team mates at Bayern Munich he could have. ,, There you should be against. We have it there itself to. But they also do not understand why we at the European Championships. Every time they were surprised by our results. After a successful WORLD CUP is just not gone well in the Euro 2012 qualification. ''

The 31-year-old Robben has probably played his last major finals. ,, That could '', he realized. ,, But I would think, I would have stopped if international. And I have not done. I would also like to be there now, although these duels perhaps not quite fit. For me it's important that I again for an extended period become fully fit. But around these practice matches will also be spoken. About how it should be a little better again. "" Orange should be there again if after this season opponents like France and Sweden await in the qualifying tournament for the World Cup in Russia. From the sofa in his living room Robben saw how Orange rival Turkey not managed to overtake in the last European Championship qualifiers with Kazakhstan and the Czech Republic. ,, I continued to hope, as a loyal supporter '' says the winger yet. ,, But then you come to the Czech Republic 0-3 behind. How I felt at home? Powerless but also sometimes left. Yes, you sleep or equally bad. '' The jolly messages on his phone and teasing by German teammates at Bayern Munich, he could have. ,, You should be able to. We talk to ourselves created. But they also do not understand why we in the European Championships are missing. They were surprised by our results every time. After a successful World Cup is just not gone well in the European Championship qualifying. ''

the 31 - year-old robben's last great playoffs might play. ,,, that could ", realizes. but, if i would think i was stopped as international. and i did not. i would also like to be right now, though perhaps not quite fit the duels. it is important to me that i am not fit for a longer period.but this oefenduels will also be discussed. how about the weather a little better. ""
"orange to stand again after this season opponents as france and sweden in the qualifying tournament for the world cup in russia.from the sofa in the living room saw robben how orange competitor turkey forgot to figure in the last kwalificatieduels ek - with kazakhstan and the czech republic. i stayed, hope, as a loyal supporter ", know the outfielder. but then, you come to the czech republic with 0 - 3. how i felt at home? but sometimes left powerless. yes, you'll sleep go bad "
"the jolly messages on his phone and prank of german teammates at bayern munich he could have. ,, you need to be. we have to make it yourself. but they don't understand why we lack the ek. every time they were surprised by the results. after a successful world cup just is not good in the ek - kwalificatie. "