Wat kosten zulke dingen als kleren bijvoorbeeld? - In kwaliteit en prijs zijn er grote verschillen. Je hebt goedkope en ontzettend dure artikelen. Dat geldt eigenlijk voor alles. Wil je een nieuwe auto? Dan ben je veel geld kwijt.
What cost such things as clothes for example?-There are huge differences In quality and price.You have cheap and incredibly expensive items.That actually applies to everything.Would you like a new car?Then you lost a lot of money.
What costs such things as clothes, for instance? -. In quality and price are major differences . You have cheap and very expensive items that actually applies to everything. Want a new car? Then you've lost a lot of money.
what things cost such as clothes, for example?in quality and price, there are big differences.you have cheap and extremely expensive articles.that applies to everything.do you want a new car?you've lost a lot of money.