On October 11, 2013, National Coming Out Day, were in The Netherlands activities organised in the context of acceptance of lesbian, gay, bi, and transgenders (LHBT's ). So also in movie theater 't know where the short film and Dylan Tonk Noise in favor of At premiered.Pronounced is a film of 15 minutes of 2 high school students struggling with friendship and homosexuality. The movie is central in the classes of our networking partner Pink in Image.
Expressed is about the friendship between David and Niels. This is pressurized when David discovered that Niels on boys.Homosexuality is not tolerated In their friends. "I would never be friends with a homo", he says against his girlfriend. Homosexuality is still far from obvious for many young people and can provide an inner and physical fight.
project to film
The project wild in the first instance only supported footage for lectures of the COC.This walked the creators with the specialists of the COC to determine how film could be used. They wanted the new film as well as possible to connect to the information. The film Gradually grew from a tool for school curriculum as CKV, civic education and The Netherlands. It is central to the classes of our networking partner Pink in Image,A project that is the result of the Incentive Scheme 2012. Read the interview with sponsor Ad van Dam on the changing visibility of gays and lesbians in the media.
In 2009 was pronounced (then the name Filmplan Simply Are Gay) a ontwikkelingsprijs PANN of foundation. Also the COC,The municipality of Utrecht and the Dutch Filmfonds were involved in the creation of this film.
Imaging in the media
During the premiere gave Ad van Dam the public a short history lesson about LGBT's in movies and on tv. Of faces in the shade along sad, lonely stereotypes of gays and lesbians in all to homosexuals and characteristics.He commented that with particular homojongens be portrayed, there is still certainly profit. He also had the recent developments in Russia and Africa; the subject is worldwide famous and deserves much attention.
Also Victor Everhardt, councillor Health, Welfare and diversity in Utrecht, came to the floor.Everhardt stated in his speech that the 2 terms film and LGBT not much consistency. He called on to provide information on homosexuality in schools to encourage, since the school is a safe environment should be. You must be at school who you are. From the same idea chose pink in the picture to make, during the clearly discernible,Behind the scenes to film and the images to be made available to schools.
Homosexuality at school
Franka Stas, teacher audiovisual on the Alberdingk Thyme College, then used those images to pupils themselves to make a film on homosexuality. The video recordings give a unique look behind the scenes in the film world,A valuable look that pupils do not normally get. The short mounts explain the preparation, filming and fitting the film. It gave the pupils handles to the scenes of pronounced once again, to play. Franka Stas' fear that no one would want to play the gays, it was unfounded. There were always (heterosexual) boys to take on the role.
As Pim, who told how he, together with his best friend, played a bunch. In a safe scene, without a kiss or other intimacy, they give, it expresses a very open attitude toward homosexuality. Pim says they during the lessons not only were with film but also with the subject of the movie.
Expressed by schools can go further than a classroom information and the subject extensively under the attention. With one lesson, in which the movie, but also with a classes, which can be dealt with in the making of a film.
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