The optimal running position for a belt is in the middle of the end take up pulleys and slide bed, keeping in
mind the function of the belt.
If it is a conveyor where products are placed at one side of the belt, the belt will be pushed to the opposite
side. If this type of conveyor needs tracking it is necessary to leave it running for a while without any products
being loaded on it.
Before you start tracking a conveyor it is necessary to check the following,
The frame is level and straight.
All rollers are straight in the conveyor (ETU, Tracking rollers, Return rollers)
The correct belt tension is added.
The rollers and pulleys are clean.
Temperature changes can also have a negative influence on tracking.
To improve tracking on certain conveyors, the pulleys can be crowned. The crowing will wear ( > 15.000 hours)
and has to be checked when having difficulties with tracking.
When all points above are checked the return/tracking rollers can be adjusted;
-Wait five to fifteen minutes (depending on the speed and length of the conveyor) for adjustments to take
-Adjust carefully in small steps; two to three mm adjustment is enough in most cases.
(The larger the angle between roller and conveyor belt, the larger the influence on belt tracking