Ze luisterden of ze de belboei hoorden. Ze hoorden enkel de zee. Nww, toch niet... er was nog iets. "Baaaaaaaa...!" "Stoppen!" schreeuwde de kapitein, "Zet een boot uit om te gaan kijken wat dat voor een geluid is.
They listened or they heard the Bell which was formerly located. They heard only the sea.Nww, yet not ... There was still something. "Baaaaaaaa...!""Stop!" cried the captain, "put a boat out to go see what that sound is.
They listened and they heard the belboei. They only heard the sea. NWW, not ... there was something else. "Baaaaaaaa ..." "Stop!" cried the captain, "put a boat out to see what that is for a sound.
they listened and heard the belboei. they just heard the sea.nww, not... there was something else. " baaaaaaaa...! ""stop!" the captain shouted, "take a boat to see what that sound.