Hartelijk dank voor het aanvragen van uw persoonlijke DigiD. U ontvangt binnen 5 dagen een brief met activeringscode. Met de activeringscode, uw gebruikersnaam en uw wachtwoord kunt u uw DigiD activeren.
Dear Sir/Madam,Many thanks for requesting your personal DigiD. You will receive a letter within 5 days with activation code. With the activation code, your user name and your password, you can activate your DigiD.
Dear Sir / Madam, Thank you for requesting your personal DigiD. You will receive a letter within 5 days of activation code. With the activation code, your username and password, you can activate your DigiD.
Thank you for requesting your personal DigiD. YOU will receive a letter within 5 days with activation code. With the activation code, your user name and your password, you can activate your DigiD code.