Wegens vele aanmeldingen hebben wij als beheer besloten dat alleen mensen uit driebergen & zeist lid mogen worden, (de direct aansluitende dorpen zijn ook toegestaan) als uw woonplaats niet openbaar zichtbaar op uw profiel staat kunnen wij u helaas niet toevoegen!
Due to many sign ups we as management decided that only people from three mountains & zeist Member may be, (the direct connecting villages are also allowed) If your residence is not publicly visible on your profile we can unfortunately not add!
Because many entries we as management decided that only people from Wales & zeist member may be, (the immediately adjoining villages are also allowed) if your residence is not publicly visible on your profile state, we can not add alas!
for many applications, the management decided that only people from driebergen & zeist (can be (directly connecting villages are also permitted) if your residence not publicly visible on your profile, we can't add you, alas!