In jou armen liggen en jij mij kussen dat lijkt mij heel romantisch lieverd. Ben jij een romantische type of zeg jij dat jij ook lekker wild kan zijn? Ik kan dan misschien op jou komen zitten en lekker wild gaan doen, wat denk jij daarvan?
In you arms are and you know me pillow that seems to me very romantic sweetheart. Are you a romantic type or do you say that you also enjoy wild can be? I can then maybe sit on you and delicious wild going to do, what do you think of that?
lie in your arms and you kiss me it seems very romantic sweetheart. Are you a romantic type or do you say that you too can be delicious wild? I maybe can sit down with you and do great game, what do you think?
in your arms and you kiss me that is very romantic love. are you a romantic type or tell you that you can be a wild? i can sit and look good go wild, what do you think of that?