Het lijkt mij ok om voor deze boot te gaan. Als het goed is kunnen jullie de goederen dan op tijd binnen halen zodat jullie nog twee weken hebben om te verwerken, toch? Presentatiedatum voor Juliette in rood (7884) is 3-11-2014.
it seems to me ok to for this boat to go. If it is good you can get the goods than on time so that you have two more weeks to process, right? Presentation date for Juliette in red (7884) is 3-11-2014.
Hi Marco, It seems ok to go. for this boat If it is good then you can get the goods on time get inside so you still have two weeks to process, right? Presentation Date for Juliette in red (7884) is 3 11-2014.
It seems to me ok for this boat to go. If it is good you can get the goods on time within two weeks so that you still have to process, yet? Presentation Date for Juliette in red (7884) is 3-11-2014.