1. Reageer onmiddellijk,blijf kalm en panikeer niet!
2. indien je rook/vlammen ziet of een brandgeur ruikt,verwittig de andere huisgenoten.
3. telefoneer naar de brandweer!Vorm het noodnummer 112 of 100.Vermeld het adres,beschrijf de brand en het aantal slachtoffers.
4. verlaat onmiddellijk de woning en help,indien nodig,andere bewoners bij het vluchten.Loop niet en neem geen bezittingen mee.
5. Blijf,in geval van rook,met het hooft onder de rooklaag. Kruip desnoods over de grond.
6. Open nooit een deur waarvan het blad warm is of de klink heet (voel met de handrug)
7. Verzamel op de stoep aan de overkant van de straat(voor de woning).
8. Informeer de hulpdiensten.
9. Indien je niet meer kan vluchten:sluit de kamerdeur,dek eventueel de kieren af en trek de aandacht van de hulpdiensten.
10. Contacteer de huisbaas(0475/31.08.06)!
1. Review immediately, stay calm and don't panic!2. If you see smoke/flames or a fire smell smells, notify the other housemates.3. call the Fire Department! Form the emergency number 112 or 100. Mentioned the address, describe the fire and the number of victims.4. immediately leave the home and help, if necessary, other residents at the flights. Do not run and do not take any possessions.5. keep, in case of smoke, with the head under the smoke coat. Creep on the ground if necessary.6. never Open a door whose latch sheet hot or hot (feel with the back of the hand)7. gather on the sidewalk across the street (in front of the House).8. Inform the emergency services.9. If you can no longer flights: close the room door, deck possibly the cracks and tighten the attention of the emergency services.10. contact the landlord (0475/31.08.06)!

1. Act quickly, stay calm and not panikeer!
2. if you smoke / flame see or smell a burning smell, notify the other housemates.
3. phone to the fire brigade! Dial the emergency number 112 or 100.Vermeld address, describe the fire and the number of victims.
4. immediately leave the house and help, if necessary, other residents in the vluchten.Loop and not take any possessions.
5. Stay in the event of smoke, with its head beneath the smoke layer. Crawl on the ground if necessary.
6. Never open a door whose top is warm or hot riveting (feel with the back of the hand)
7. Gather on the sidewalk across the street (to the house).
8. Inform the emergency services.
9. If you can not flee: close the room door, possibly cover the cracks and draw the attention of the emergency services.
10. Contact the landlord (0475 / 31.08.06)!

1. Respond immediately,stay calm and not panikeer!
2. if you smoke/flames or a burned smell smells,notify the other housemates.
3. make to the fire department!Form the emergency number 112 or 100.Listed the address,describe the fire and the number of victims.
4. leave the house immediately and help,if necessary,other residents in the flights.do not walk and take no possessions.
5.Keep,in the event of smoke,with the hooft under the rooklaag. Creep if necessary on the ground.
6. Never Open a door with a sheet is hot or the klink hot (feel with the handrug)
7. Gather on the sidewalk across the street(for the house) .
8. Inform the emergency services.
9. If you can not longer flights:connect the room door,deck possibly the cracks and pull the attention of the emergency services.
10. Contact the proprietor(0475/31.08.06)!