woningomschrijvingdrawing3 room on the third floor. the classification of the apartment you can see on the map. the entrance of the apartment is accessible via a common stairs. the house is equipped with central heating. in isolation, the windows (partially) with double glass. in the apartment"s balcony and salvage. there is a water meter in the house. you pays your water bill directly to the battery. in the area around the place, is a wijkbeheerder present. the wijkbeheerder shall also make for a pleasant and safe environment.do you intend to advance the inkomensverklaring 2015 to ask the irs. this application takes 5 working days. without inkomensverklaring you can"t qualify for a home.note: the house is allocated appropriately. for more information, you can look at www.woningnet.nl.