your registration is in good order. your information is being processed in "fact and figures" to inform the working group this group. the planning to the moment of the decision-making is again shown below.
(wednesday 13 jan submit tenders ericsson and huawei. has now been achieved.
on friday, 15 jan meeting working group and steering committee. discuss facts and figures. "(monday, tuesday and wednesday, 18 - 20 jan. business impact analysis section construction bids by representatives & maintaince.
(thursday 21 jan meeting working group and steering committee. inform (proposed) decision choice of tenderers.on friday 22 jan inform decision-making ziggo tenderers progress. "the process is completed by ziggo very carefully. the possibility exists that additional information in the form of documents and / or conversations need to a real decision.see here, the reason that a final date on which the decision can not be communicated can be given. "sincerely, eef ijkelenstam