• Ensure rejected items are suitably identified and retained in suitably identified secure reject containers (Use of a red coloured plastic box is recommended )
• The rejected items themselves should be labelled clearly to avoid any misplacement of rejected items that are not placed in the reject box
• The rejected samples need to be placed in the reject containers immediately at the time of rejection
• Dispose of rejected materials in a timely fashion and ensure that accurate records are retained relating to these activities
• Record and report the level of rejects that are occurring on a daily or batch size basis
• Ensure items identified for re-work are suitably identified and retained in suitably identified secure re-work containers (Use of an appropriately coloured plastic box is recommended)
• Perform re-work activities in accordance with authorised written instructions and maintain accurate written records relating to each re-work activities
• Rework must be written in procedures and any additional IPQC activites must be put in place. This includes procedures of disassembling components and reintroducing them to the line and including the quality of the components before adding htem back to the line (may need to repeat the IQC)
• Record and report the level of reworks that are occurring on a daily or batch size basis