Heeft de normale post geen functie meer? Toch wel. Soms wil je liever een persoonlijk kaartje sturen. Bijvoorbeeld wanneer je op vakantie bent. En stel je voor dat er iemand is gestorven. Dan ga je toch niet mailen?
Has the normal post no function anymore?Anyway though.Sometimes would you rather send a personal card.For example, when you are on holiday.And imagine that someone has died.Then you go do not mail us?
The normal post no function anymore? Yet, though. Sometimes you would rather send a personalized card. For example, when you're on vacation. And imagine that someone has died. Then you do not mail it?
the normal mail function no more?anyway.sometimes you want to send a personal card.for example, when you"re on vacation.and imagine someone died.then you"re not email?