Ik vind de roze kleur van de box echt niet passen in SERAX : is iets meer voor de modebranche zoals haar sjaals! Past echt niet in ons concept!! Dus gelieve iets neutraler te werken!!!!
I like the pink color of the box really don't fit in SERAX: is something more for the fashion industry such as hair scarves! Fits really not in our concept!! So please something more neutral to work!!!!
I really do not fit the pink color of the box in SERAX: something more for the fashion industry such as hair scarves! Really do not fit into our concept !! So please work something neutral !!!!
i like the pink color of the box do not fit in serax: is something more for the fashion industry as her shawls.do not fit in the concept. !so please do something more neutral to work! !! !