Art. 6. SECURITY - the security payable by the lessee, shall be two months rent, $678. The lessee has two options:
He/she charged against a receipt or by bank transfer to account number listed in article 4.
The tenant will deposit the security at a financiële setting on a geïndividualiseerde and blocked account in his name.The security may be released only on the end of the agreement provided that written agreement of tenant and landlord.
The security can never by the lessee as rent has to be included. The landlord can the deposit or a part of it mean only if he can prove that the tenant are property leases is not fulfilled.The repayment of the amount of the deposit or the balance of payment will be done by means of cash or payment on the tenants account and within the month after the beëindigen of the lease. Suspensive condition: The security shall be paid within 14 days after the signing of the contract, this means for 19/08/2015 . If this is not done the contract expires.You can only enter the space as soon as the security is received. When a new lease is closed, the deposit transferred.
Art. 7. TAX ON SECOND STAY - the tax on second stay charged to the lessee.If this tax is charged, and if the tenant a certificate of registration in a teaching establishment of full-time full-time education submits, the levy shall be reduced in accordance with the gemeentereglement of € 750 to a sum of EUR 90. If the lessee declares student, he pays at the beginning € 90.If he fails the proof of registration by the landlord to the educational institution to provide vóór 1 november he will the remaining amount of the tax, $675, not later than 1 January of the same academic year pay extra. If the lessee can submit a proof that he is the holder of a scholarship of at least EUR 200,The levy shall be reduced to an amount of EUR 50. The beursgerechtigde should this proof to the landlord vóór 1 november. If the lessee declares no student, he pays € 750 under the gemeentereglement. If there are multiple units in the house, will the lessee for each unit the tax on second stay charged.There is no tax payable on second stay for woongelegenheden which are rented by international students who for more than 90 days in Leuven stay because who are registered (or a request for tender did) in the population registers on the address of the leased good.The student in that case the evidence of his tender (annex 8 or 15) to the landlord.